Last summer, I walked across it instead!
Some of you might've heard of the Golden Gate Bridge before. For most of us, it's only recognizable because of Full House:
[caption id="attachment_1136" align="aligncenter" width="983" caption="Whatever happened to predictability..."]
Wait a second, that's not the right picture... Alamo Square and the Painted Ladies are not the Golden Gate Bridge. Why I'm so certain: do you see any water in that picture?
Sidenote: I dare you to not have the Full House theme stuck in your head right now. Mwahahahahaha.
Yeah, let's try this again...
Nope. Nope nope nope. I can sorta get it, this is the Japanese Tea Gardens. As you can see, there's a gate, so we got one word right this time. And it's in Golden Gate Park, so that's sorta close. Otherwise, again, it's the completely wrong picture.
Maybe the 3rd time's the charm?
Wow. We went from being slightly related to the bridge to not at all. That can't be good.
So, this is the Palace of Fine Arts. It's a nice little park/place to get wedding pictures (seriously, everyone does).
At least we're moving in the right direction though: North.
[caption id="attachment_1137" align="aligncenter" width="983" caption="That's more like it!"]
There we go! That definitely looks more bridge-like! And yes, the picture does no justice to its great and mighty orange-ness.
In case you're wondering, the name "Golden Gate" refers to the entrance to San Francisco Bay itself. That's why there's so much named after it: the bridge, the park, the university, the cemetary, and even the casino.
[caption id="attachment_1142" align="alignleft" width="179" caption="Me, happy(ish)"]
Anyway, it was a good walk. Chilly, windy, and deafening, but good. The bridge is just over one and a half miles in span, so it's a decent walk to get down to one end and back. Also, you don't realize just how giant it is until you're crossing it. Sure there's the Bay Bridge too, and it's longer and has more traffic. But there's something just majestic and awesome about the Golden Gate Bridge. It has the kind of style the Bay Bridge will never have.
Did I say earlier it was windy? That's an understatement. Everyone's seen those old movies where it's so windy the guy is walking backwards right? If you want to experience that, cross the Golden Gate Bridge on foot. It's definitely a fun experience, and I was enjoying myself. It was as if nothing could go wrong.
Or at least, that's just what they wanted me to think!
[caption id="attachment_1139" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Me, sad..."]
We were nearing the north end of the bridge. Before I knew it, blam came a gust and knocked my hat away! Straight over the side! To be lost forever!
That hat had been a close and dear friend. I'd had it since I was a freshman at Georgia Tech. It was my band cap, coming with me for every football game, helping cheer on the Yellow Jackets. There were so many things that cap accompanied me through, whether my yearly Get-A-Clue excursions or even my last trip to Greece. It was with me through good times and bad, and it was always there when I needed it!
But no! That bridge (a.k.a. evil incarnate) decided to take from me something I held dear! How dare it?!
Well, I guess I got sidetracked. This was supposed to be about the bridge, and how it's really pretty dang cool. It's definitely a marvel, and walking along it gets you to think how much has gone into it. To think it's 75 years old makes it even more amazing. I'd definitely suggest taking the time to visit it yourself if you make it out to the Bay Area.
But just remember, it's a harsh mistress. If you decide to take the journey, make sure everything you wear is tied down. Who knows what the bridge will decide to take next? A baby? I wouldn't put it past that orange devil!
While I miss my hat, I was able to procure a new band cap last fall. Right now it's just a replacement, but maybe, given time, we can build a solid rapport and it will graduate into being my dear friend like its predecessor. I'm sure we'll have many adventures together, I just have to hold onto this one. I'll tell you now though, the one place it will never be allowed to go is across any bridge, especially giant orange ones.
Also, I guess it's now been another year since I moved out here. Maybe I should finally make my way to Muir Woods...