I've decided to make some changes around here, unfortunately that's difficult with the site in its current shape. The first step will be to transfer this site into Blogger, and in that way it can live through the transition. Once it's there, I'll tear this down and start anew. Hopefully it won't take too long, but I'm not very good at keeping promises on this thing so all I'll say is "just wait".
In the immortal words of the T-1000, I'll be back.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Midway through the first day, I'd already decided that this would not be my only HOPE.
It's exactly what you want out of a Con: an eclectic mix of people from all over, brought to one place by their love of hacking, here to share what they love with each other. There are panels for Makers, panels on web security, panels on telecommunications, panels on whistleblowing, and even some cool "look what I made!" panels. Given the recent revelations about government surveillance, much of this year is devoted on how to properly maintain confidentiality and privacy in communications. And of course, topical as ever, the keynote began with Daniel Ellsberg and finished with a teleconference with Edward Snowden.
So far, the panels I've seen have been interesting and enlightening. The people have been open and friendly, always excited to share and learn from each other. The one complaint I would have is the hotel itself; while it's historic, it seems barely maintained.
The best part? If you'd like to play along at home, all the panels are available online via live streams. I highyly recommend them.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Wii U: Great fun missing a market
This past holiday season, the PS4 and XB1 enjoyed a great holiday season selling 4.4 million and 3.1 million consoles in 2013 respectively (according to VGChartz, which should be taken with a grain of salt). These numbers are only from the holiday season, as each were released in mid-November. Meanwhile, the Wii U sold 3.2 million consoles over the entire year, even when having a price point below the competition. In addition, Nintendo just changed their Q1 2014 forecast from a nearly $1 billion profit to a $335 million loss after seeing sales tank much more than expected post-holidays. Overall, people simply aren't buying the console quite as much as hoped.
Now, full-disclosure: some people would likely call me a Nintendo fanboy. I grew up on a NES and later, an N64. I didn't own a non-Nintendo console until I was almost out of high school (PS2). Today I tend to enjoy most consoles equally, but it's still difficult for me to not get and enjoy Nintendo products almost immediately upon launch (to prove my resistance, I didn't get a Wii U until December 2012). Although this love persists, I do not claim myself to be a Nintendo fanboy simply because I also enjoy the other consoles as well (and even PC *gasp*). It comes down to one simple thing: very few things are more fun, and I mean pure-unadulterated-children-running-and-skipping-fun, than Nintendo games.
Sadly though 2013 simply wasn't a great year for Nintendo and the Wii U. The "Year of Luigi" (only took 30 years to celebrate the best brother a man could have) simply did not pan out. As someone with both a Wii U and a 3DS, I'll say it wasn't for lack of good games.
Instead of continuing talking about how unfortunate this recent turn is though, how about we focus on why I'd buy a second Wii U before a PS4 or XB1?
To begin, some people think the GamePad is a gimmick, but after using it I can say it's actually a great feature. It really is simply if the DS and Wii had a child. You get a touchscreen right in your hands that you can interact with directly and/or play on the TV. And then it also enables off-TV playing for most of the content: playing New Super Mario Bros U on the TV and someone wants to watch something else? Immediately play it solely on the GamePad and let them do whatever they'd like. The one missing killer feature is the ability to play DS games (or even 3DS) on the Wii U, similar to how they had the Super Game Boy for SNES or Game Boy Player for GameCube, but given their track record here I'm sure it's just a matter of time. If anything, the GamePad is before it's time; Android and Chromecast (or iPhone and Apple TV) will likely bring a lagless feature like this in the near future, and gamers will rejoice.
Next, the games are solid. People might find Mario games childish, but there's no negating the joy and fun that comes from playing one (which holds very true for Bros U and 3D World). NintendoLand is a solid launch game, introducing the features of the console in a new and exciting way. Wind Waker HD is the only current Zelda, however it's a beautiful remake of an amazing game (nothing quite as free-feeling as sailing). I'm sure PS4 and XB1 will get there, but at the moment there's nothing on either of them which excites me.
Overall, while I hope it's not true, if the Wii U is a swan song for Nintendo's home console business, it's one so beautiful I would truly openly weep.
Monday, January 6, 2014
If you don't use it...
Thankfully the old adage isn't true and this blog isn't going anywhere. Some could say that it hasn't gone anywhere in a long time, but those would be jerks who I choose not to listen to. If you can believe it, this site is regularly on my mind, but if thinking were as good as doing then I'd be a much more interesting person.
Either way it's a new year now. I've mostly recovered from the holidays so here's a promise: my goal is to outdo myself this year. I'll post more than you've ever seen me post! In fact, my goal is to post more than I did in 2012 and 2013 combined! That's right, I'm promising an entirety of 14 posts this great year of 2014!
How can it be done you ask? Why, it's easy, I just have to not be quite as lazy as I have been in the past. In fact, this post itself counts! I'd say I'm well on the way to being a slightly less lazy person, wouldn't you?
1 down, 13 to go...
Either way it's a new year now. I've mostly recovered from the holidays so here's a promise: my goal is to outdo myself this year. I'll post more than you've ever seen me post! In fact, my goal is to post more than I did in 2012 and 2013 combined! That's right, I'm promising an entirety of 14 posts this great year of 2014!
How can it be done you ask? Why, it's easy, I just have to not be quite as lazy as I have been in the past. In fact, this post itself counts! I'd say I'm well on the way to being a slightly less lazy person, wouldn't you?
1 down, 13 to go...
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